A Call to Give

A Call to Give

According to Nancy Brink, the director of the Office of Church Relations at Chapman University, the Disciples of Christ community on campus is "small and mighty." Nancy became the third director of Chapman's church relations in 2009 and has strengthened the office's foundation since. Nancy and her wife, Maria Perez, a Spanish professor, have been at Chapman for more than ten years.

Nancy considers her position highly rewarding. The relationships with the Disciples on Campus (DOC) students have inspired her greatly. However, it is also the relationships beyond the DOC program that show her why Chapman is so special. She's taught classes, traveled to India with students and toured with the choir.

Nancy feels that it is important to provide not only a classroom education, but a dedication that goes beyond that. For her, the church provides a set of standards that a school setting cannot always offer. Students should receive an academic education and then take that knowledge further to become global citizens. By giving to the university, Nancy and Maria can help students further their education inside and outside the classroom.

"Spirituality has defined my giving," said Maria. "When I was a child, my mother modeled giving by opening our home and helping everyone who knocked on our door. Chapman is known for its gracious giving, and I feel it is my calling to give back."

When Nancy retires, she wants to find deep satisfaction in supporting her passion for the education of global citizens, by giving back to Chapman. Making Disciples scholarships a beneficiary of their estate, Nancy and Maria will continue to provide support to DOC students for generations to come.

"I don't need my name on a building. My satisfaction is that I contribute to the university and then the university contributes to students," said Maria. "We've put Chapman in our will. Join us!"

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